SUNDAY, 9TH JULY 2017. TODAY’S DEVOTION. SUPERNATURAL GROWTH. TODAY'S SCRIPTURE. "And the Child grew and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom; and the grace (favor and spiritual blessing) of God was upon Him." (Luke 2:40 AMP) Growth in the kingdom of God is not optional, but mandatory! It is either you grow or you will groan in misery. Stop looking for shortcuts to the supernatural. God by HIs Spirit expects you to settle down and grow into what He has prepared for you. Many of us cut corners, do things in the flesh and end up badly. You must understand that steady supernatural growth will surely take you to the place of your miracle. There is no shortcut to miraculous living in the supernatural realm. If you desire the miraculous, you need supernatural growth in your life. Your development in God determines if God can entrust you with signs and wonders or not. The Lord Jesus came to this earth with the fullness of the Godhead. However, because He was a chil...