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Vision Statement

Celebration is Our Culture


Jeremiah 18:2-4
“Arise, and go down to the potter’s house, and there I will cause thee to hear my words.
Then I went down to the potter’s house, and, behold, he wrought a work on the wheels.
And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter: so he made it again another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to make it.”

The vision of our church came into existence from a revelation based on the scripture above on how the potter had a broken
and marred pot in his hands yet he was able to make it into a celebrated and admirable pot. Thus the name POTTERS HOUSE CHURCH came into existence. We believe that no matter where you have been or what you have done, Jesus(the potter) is able to mold and make you into an enviable entity worth celebrating on earth.
As a church we have five basic strategies of operation termed the 5w’s and they are Word, Worship, Wisdom, Warfare and Welfare.

  • WORD: Potters House Church is a church that is built on the word of God. We believe the Bible is the foundation for any Christian. We believe in
  • Reading the word
  • Studying the word
  • Meditating on the word
  • Confessing the word
  • Acting on the word
  • WORSHIP: Potters House Church packages and embraces a robust and warm atmosphere of worship with the sole desire of experiencing God’s presence. We achieve this by singing new songs, dancing, clapping, jumping and giving testimonies(Psalm 100:1MSG)
  • WISDOM: Proverbs 4:7.The Church believes in wisdom and expects every member to be industrious either by being gainfully employed or becoming employers of labour.(Proverbs 14:23)The church expects every member to understand that they are contributors and not just consumers. Finally, the church believes that all members must excel in all they do.
  • WARFARE: Potters House Church believes the devil exists but we also believe that by Jesus’ death and resurrection, we are empowered to defeat and destroy their powers. Furthermore, we have victory over the devil and his cohorts (1Timothy 1:18)
  • WELFARE: Our church believes in the help ministry and providing for those in need. We understand that the church is the body of Christ and Christ is likened to the head of the family. Since the family setting is the hallmark of unity and fellowship among brethren, we encourage our brethren to be part of a home cell or activity group so as to reach one another outside the four walls of the church.


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