TODAY'S SCRIPTURE "God has made everything beautiful for its own time” (Ecclesiastes 3:11a NLT).
Life is full of contrasts. We go through mountains, and we go through valleys. We go through successes and we go through failures. We have wins,and we have losses.
The weather has four seasons. But in your life, there are dozens of different seasons and every season of life includes both good and bad.
“For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant and a time to harvest. A time to kill and a time to heal. A time to tear down and a time to build up. A time to cry and a time to laugh. A time to grieve and a time to dance....." (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 NLT).
Life is a combination of contrasting seasons. If you have all sunshine and no rain you make a desert. If you’re following God’s will, you’ll see that these experiences can have purpose and value in your life.You may think that the only time you’re in God’s will is when you’re in church or having a quiet time. You can be in God’s will as you’re cleaning out a closet,you can be in God’s will as you’re mowing your lawn,you can be in God’s will when you move to a new location or stay right where you are. There’s a time and season for everything.
Everything is not beautiful. Cancer is not beautiful. Child abuse is not beautiful. War is not beautiful.The Bible says it differently in Ecclesiastes 3:11: “God has made everything beautiful for its own time” (NIV). That’s very different from “Everything is beautiful in its own way.” Because the Bible is saying that God can take even the bad things and in the proper season, turn them around and use them for good in the way He intends.
You may be going through a season right now that is not beautiful. Your finances look ugly. Your health looks ugly. Your marriage, relationships or friendship looks ugly. Your future looks ugly. But God can make something good out of it as you trust him with the pieces.
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