TODAY'S SCRIPTURE. "Why is life so hard? Why do we suffer?” (Job 7:1 CEV)
How do economies get broken? Because we ignore God’s financial principles.The principles of accounting, good record keeping, saving, spending, giving, investing and living within your means are all biblical principles. God says that if you follow them, he will bless you with prosperity. That does not mean everybody can be a millionaire, but God says you will only have what you need if you follow his Word.
“Here is a terrible thing that I’ve seen in this world. People save up their money for a time when they need it and then they lose it all in some bad deal and end up with nothing left to pass on to their children” (Ecclesiastes 5:13-14 TEV). What Solomon observed in his time is still true today, because sin continues in our world. When the stock market falls, we say, “That’s not right,” but it’s part of living in a world broken by sin.
Sin also creates a loss of meaning, fulfillment, and purpose in your job and in what God created you to do. Solomon was not immune to this. In Ecclesiastes 2 he says,“So I came to hate life because everything done here under the sun is so troubling. Everything is meaningless like chasing the wind… So I gave up in despair, questioning the value of all my hard work in this world” (Ecclesiastes 2:17, 20 NLT, second edition).
Solomon realized that satisfaction does not come from working really hard to make a lot of money or to achieve a bunch of accomplishments. The sin that causes financial difficulties may be that you are misusing the money God gives you.
Assess your financial (and vocational) situation and ask God to reveal the things he needs you to see.
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