TODAY'S SCRIPTURE. “But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister;”(Matthew 20:26KJV)
Service is the key to greatness! The scripture above should have read “…whosoever will give “quality service”among you, let him “serve in a quality manner”. The word “minister” comes from the greek word “diaminos” and it means a servant or attendant, one who serves or runs errands for others. As Christians, we have been called to service; both to God and mankind. God is more mindful of people than anything else. Therefore, when you are concerned about serving people through your work, the Lord will be mindful of your success and prosperity; He will cause prosperity in everything you do.
The Bible says there is profit in all labour(Proverbs 14:23). When you render quality service, you will surely prosper. You may be a trader, sanitary officer, teacher, student, traffic warden or civil servant; it does not matter the job or business you do, when your goal is to render quality service, your power and greatness will be unprecedented. However, greed has hindered many from serving God and their nation as they should. Do not let the desire for material gain be your driving force in life. “If they obey and serve [him], they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures”.(Job 36:11KJV)
Service empowers you with the goodness of the Lord. You cannot truly serve God and be poor. "Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear:”(Hebrews 12:28KJV)
Your service to God must be with dignity and the fear of God, not with greed, pride and impunity. In your service to God and man you must have the fear of God.
Furthermore, you must render every service as unto the Lord and not man. In addition,avoid every form of eye service. “With good will doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men:”(Ephesians 6:7KJV)
I'm sorry Lord Jesus for not giving you quality service in the past. I declare that henceforth I will render quality service in truth and Spirit! Amen.
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