TODAY'S SCRIPTURE. “And I will make My covenant (solemn pledge) between Me and you and will multiply you exceedingly.”
(Genesis 17:2 AMPC).
God's major means of overflow is multiplication! This is your month of overflow. God will multiply you. God is in the multiplication business via the covenant of overflow. It does not matter what your need is today He will increase and cause you to overflow.
In the Old Testament, God multiplied the sound of four men’s footsteps and caused them to sound like a mighty army. When their enemies heard them coming, they ran away.
“Now four men who were lepers were at the entrance of the city's gate; and they said to one another, Why do we sit here until we die?
For the Lord had made the Syrian army hear a noise of chariots and horses, the noise of a great army. They had said to one another, The king of Israel has hired the Hittite and Egyptian kings to come upon us.”(2Kings 7:3, 6 AMPC)
Imagine thousands of people and troops running for their lives, scared to death, thinking they were being attacked by a massive army, when in fact, it was just four people. No matter how little your effort looks, the God of overflow can multiply you till you have good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running overflow.
Beloved, God can make you seem bigger than you really are. He can make you look more powerful. He knows how to multiply your influence, strength, talent and income
Father in the name of Jesus,I connect to your covenant of multiplication for overflow on every side this week. Amen
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