TODAY’S SCRIPTURE. “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. You could say it this way. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man accomplishes much.” James 5:16.
Don’t you see! It is your prayers that move the heart of God to action, and you need to be right with God. You need to be in constant fellowship with the Lord. Did you notice that it is not the fervency that gets the answer? The answer comes from a righteous man. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much, accomplishes much. The effectual fervent prayer of a man who is right with God makes tremendous power available.
A man who is pure, a man who is clean, a man who is right with God, a man who is in constant fellowship with the Lord, who is doing the right thing and keeps on doing what is right, that man has power with God in prayer. He has the ability to influence God. He has the ability to move the heart of God to action. What keeps God from answering your prayers then? You pray and nothing seems to happen. You pray and you don't get any answers from God. I am going to tell you what it is. It is the impurity in your heart.
In Psalm 66:18, the Bible says, If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me. What is the Bible saying? It is simply saying this: If there is a sin in your life and you know it (and that is the key you know it, but you are not willing to confess and forsake that known sin in your life), you can pray until you are blue in the face and God is not obligated to hear your prayer. He is not obligated to answer your prayers.
Lord, hep me by your Spirit to recognize, confess and forsake every sin in my life that hinders answers to my prayers.
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