MONDAY, 25TH SEPTEMBER 2017. TODAY'S DEVOTION. YOU NEED SKILLS TO PROSPER PART 2. TODAY'S SCRIPTURE .“Do you see a man diligent and skillful in his business? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before obscure men.” (Proverbs 22:29 AMPC) When you lack skill, you can never stand out in life. The level of your skill determines the quality of your output in life. Your fasting, prayer and anointing cannot be substituted for your skill. There is a language I hate to hear from believers “If not for the devil, I know where I would have been by now". Stop blaming the devil! When you lack skill, it is the easiest way for your destiny to be destroyed or ruined. Being skillful does not mean you are gifted, skill can be developed. I Samuel 16:11-12. This scripture records that God chose David, the youngest of the children of Jesse to be anointed as king in the midst of people that were stronger,...